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Uma estrela fugidia flutua nebulosamente no espaço Repousando na esfera de contato do planeta Terra. O impacto final num novo mundo será inevitável, agora coma o coma futuro da humanidade pelo espelho mau do tempo. Será a felicidade a memória alguma vez perdida do homem. Mas agora pela porta da fé será que o herói se revelará. O céu já não é as asas, mas as asas as asas, as asas o céu, o céu já não é a aurora nem a aurora o céu. O homem não é o príncipe da fé, mas o príncipe da fé o homem. E, mais do que um sinal, um evangelho amaramento será fixo na mente dos que nascem no seu sono. O mesmo tecido amarroteiro que prende e unifica Os fragmentos de uma substância cósmica impalpável. The same soft-knit substance that binds and unifies the parts of a cosmic substance impalpable. from the novel In the house of no man, the destiny of a human being decides. In this house stand two doors, one leading to Heaven and one to Hell. In this house there's a man who lives alone and doesn't know where he should go because he can't see anything beyond those two doors. One day, a mysterious old woman appears in front of him and asks him if he would like to be guided to his destiny, or if he doesn't want that someone else should guide him. The man then asks her what her name is. She says she would like to be called Amarante, but she also likes the name Tessa. She says again that she's lonely, and that her heart is cold.English The cliff seems to grow out of the end of the world, it looks like a dark star lit by the sun with its cold shadows. Farther away is cliff that extends into the sea with its foamy waves. The birds are flying over these cliffs, at first one by one, then several together, in flocks... Then they are gone. The large ship is anchored in the distance... The man remains alone on shore watching all this. He watches carefully but he can't see anyone anywhere near him or on any of these cliffs ... cfa1e77820